COVID-19 Update
Dear Friends,
Though I invite you to refrain from in-person, public worship for the remainder of this month, I ask that you be even more connected with one another in this time of medical uncertainty. Let us connect by phone, online and in small groups. Let us check not just on those of us who are vulnerable, but on all of us – for now more than ever, we are in need of God’s love, which we so often feel from each other.
I hope that our church offices will remain open, and I know that our clergy and lay leaders will continue to care for parishioners and members of the community, those we know well and those neighbors whom we have yet to meet. I expect that much will be asked of us, and I know that with Christ we have much to give.
Please use your wisdom, common sense and accepted medical protocols when you do gather with people.
I ask your prayers and know that you are in mine.
Look to our Diocesan web-page for updates and creative, virtual, liturgical worship and ministry resources. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or my staff.
All my best,
The Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry
PS. I will be offering a sermon this Sunday morning that will be available on YouTube and may be used as part of your Sunday morning worship or viewed at another convenient time.
Read the letter from the Episcopal and ELCA Bishops in Michigan